The Cadet Journey

Cadets begin their New Zealand Cadet Force journey when they are 13 years of age OR are in Year 9. Here at Mighty 88, we encourage new recruits to attend at least three parade evenings before joining.
We recruit cadets between November, December & February the following year, right up until Basic Camp (usually March/April).
The Cadet Forces is made up of three branches or corps. Each corps is modeled on a corresponding branch of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF), the New Zealand Army and the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN). Each corps has its own training curriculum, uniforms and organisational structures aligned with its parent regular force branch.
We hold weekly parade nights. These run for approximately 2.5 hours every Thursday from 1830hrs until 2100hrs, during the school terms. Parade night usually begins and ends with a "parade".
The starting parade follows an RNZAF format and is used to raise the RNZAF ensign, to inspect uniforms, and to inform the cadets on the parade night’s activities. The final parade is used to lower the RNZAF ensign, and to inform the cadets on upcoming events in the unit. Between the parades, the cadets undergo classroom or practical instruction.
Please click here to access more information from the New Zealand Cadet Force website.
Flight Structure
The majority of cadets serve for up to four years. After that, if you are a senior cadet who has qualified on your leadership courses, you can serve as a cadet until the day before your 20th birthday, provided you hold and maintain a valid NZ Police and NZDF Security Vetting Clearance prior to your 18th birthday.
Throughout the four years, cadets progress through "flights" or stages of learning and development. These flights are categorised into:
- Basic 1 (Year 1)
- Basic 2 (Year 2)
- Proficiency (Year 3)
- Advanced (Year 4)
Along this journey, cadets may get the opportunity to train and become a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO).
Cadet Training
Cadets are exposed to a training program will include citizenship training, safe firearms handling, bush survival and field craft, first aid, drill and ceremonial, communications, navigational and map reading skills, leadership, physical training, Cadet Forces and General Service Knowledge. Here at Mighty 88, cadets are also taught aviation knowledge and skills - putting it into action through powered flying.
Cadets can even have the opportunity to travel overseas on International Air Cadet Exchanges and experience different cultures.
Additional Questions?
For cadets or parents who may have some unanswered questions, please click here to explore frequently asked questions from the New Zealand Cadet Forces website.
If you are interested in joining Mighty 88, please fill out a registration form. Feel free to email the unit with any questions.