Our Fantastic Sponsors
Thank you to all our sponsors - without the generosity of these companies and individuals, we would not be where we are today. A heartfelt thank you from us all at the squadron, the cadets, officers, support staff and unit support committee for your support and ongoing commitment.

Air Rescue and Community Services

Rata Foundation

Freemasons New Zealand

Pub Charity

Aotearoa Gaming Trust

Canterbury Recreational Aircraft Club

RSA Rangiora

Waimakariri District Council

King House Removals

Active Refrigeration

Avionics Canterbury Wide Ltd

Canterbury Aero Club


Burbidge Automotive

John Herber Ltd

The Riverstone

Rangiora Eyecare

Trust Aoraki

Rotary Club of Rangiora

Waimak Classic Cars

Maximum Effect Signs

Horton Signs

Friendly Manager

Friendly Finance
Interested in Sponsoring?
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