
All prospective cadets are required to register their details at the beginning of Term 1. These registrations are invited from those wanting to join the unit. 

All existing cadets and members do not need to re-register - we already have your details. Remember though that you can edit your details if they have changed - so keep up to date.

New Recruits:

There is one Group available - this is based upon how our Fees are defined - School Term Register is based upon payment of $50 per term and there are 4 terms in the year.

Invoices will be generated at the beginning of each term.

If you are registering more than one cadet (as a family) - please use the “add another member” green button at the bottom right corner of this page.

Please complete all fields of registration. Cadets are reminded that for registration on CadetNet (the official registration for cadet forces), each cadet must have their own e-mail address which must differ from their parent or caregiver email.

Should you have any questions or issues with this Registration form or any other part of the site, please let us know by contacting us using the contact details on the website.

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